In the Current with Sarah Brockhaus Issue Six

Dear Reader,

Issue Six of The Shore came out in the summer of 2020. In a moment of isolation, the poems and art in this issue find ways to reach beyond—exploring the ordinary with newfound patience & precision, reflecting on self & memory and redefining human connection.

In the last two years, the poets and artists of this issue have continued reaching out and impacting the world. Here is what they have been up to:

Catherine Pierce published her newest book, Danger Days with Saturnalia Books in October of 2020. She became poet laureate of Mississippi in April of 2021. She won her second Pushcart Prize in 2021.

Kim Harvey published micro chapbooks with Kissing Dynamite Press and Ghost City Press.

Beth Gylys published a collection of poetry titled Spot in the Dark in 2021 which received the Ohio State University Journal Award. She also had poems featured in The Best American Poetry and Verse Daily.

Joshua Garcia
is a 2021-2022 Stadler Fellow and received his MFA in poetry from College of Charleston in 2021. He was interview by The Massachusetts Review. He has published poems in Yes Poetry and The Georgia Review, among many others. He has received Best New Poet 2022 nominations for poems published in The Massachusetts Review and Arts & Letters.

Sara Moore Wagner
published her second book Tumbling After in March of 2022. She received the 2022 Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award and was a finalist for the 2022 National Poetry Series. She has published extensively, most recently in Permafrost, Jabberwock Review, Atticus Review and Little Patuxent Review. She has poems forthcoming in Meridian, Limp Wrist and The Pinch, among others.

Kristi Maxwell
published poems in The Gravity of The Thing, Another Chicago Magazine, La Vague Journal, and Storm Cellar.

Dillon Thomas Jones
published his first poetry book with word west press.

Matthew Bruce
had a poem published in Coal Hill Review.

Lorrie Ness has published widely, most recently in journals such as Rogue Agent, Empty House Press and Rappahannock Review. She has poems forthcoming in many journals, including River Heron Review, Eunoia Review, and Feral: A Journal of Poetry and Art.

C.C. Russell published poems at No Contact.

Travis Truax published poems in Baltimore Review and Cumberland River Review.

Stanley Princewill McDaniels
published poems in Icefloe Press, Libretto and Jalada.

Njoku Nonso
published poems in Lumiere Review, Bodega and Nigerian News Direct.

Erin Rodoni
published a poetry book titled And If the Woods Carry You which won the 2020 Michael Waters Poetry Prize.

Phillip Sterling
had a poem featured by the Poetry Society of Michigan. He also had a poem published in Cider Press Review.

William Doreski
published multiple book reviews in Harvard Review and published poems in The Westchester Review and New World Writing. He also published his most recent book of poetry in 2021, titled Mist in Their Eyes.

Emma Alexandrov
is the editor for Windows Facing Windows Review.

Jay Kophy
published poems in Four Way Review, Lolwe, The Indianapolis Review, and Rogue Agent Journal.

Ajay Kumar
had poems published in The Bombay Literary Magazine, The Alipore Post and Isacoustic.

David Greenspan
published a book of poetry titled One Person Holds So Much Silence in March of 2022. He received his MFA in poetry from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and is now a PhD candidate in Creative Writing at the University of Southern Mississippi. He also had poems published in Superstition Review, Diagram and more.

Carolyn Supinka
has published widely in journals such as The Indianapolis Review, Radar Poetry and Sixth Finch. She also has poems forthcoming in The West Review and Birdcoat Quarterly.

Carlo Rey Lacsamana
has published creative nonfiction at Citron Review, an essay at Rigorous Magazine and fiction at Amsterdam Quarterly.

Maya Lowy
has published poems in Black Coffee Review and Quaint Magazine.

John Sibley Williams
published a book of poetry titled The Drowning House which won the Elixir Press Poetry Award. He has published widely, recently in Breakwater Review, Solstice and Waxwing.

Amanda Pendley published poems in Kalopsia and Fools Magazine.

Dorsía Smith Silva
published poems in Pidgeonholes, Superstition Review, The Hopper, Porter House Review and ANMLY.

Adedayo Adeyemi Agarau
was interview by Literature Voices. His manuscript, The Morning The Birds Died, was a finalist in the 2021 Sillerman Prize. He has published poems at Have Has Had, Frontier Poetry and Lolwe.

Brooke Sahni
published a book of poems titled Before I Had the Word in 2021. She has also published poems in Frontier Poetry, Interim, Zocalo, and Nimrod.

Caroline Shea
received her MFA from New York University. She has published poems in Glass and Narrative Magazine.

Luke Johnson
has had poems published by Louisiana Literature, Frontier Poetry, Cortland Review and Vox Populi. His manuscript in progress was recently named a finalist for the Jake Adam York Prize, The Levis through Four Way Press and The Vassar Miller Award.

Liza Katz Duncan
received her MFA in poetry from Warren Wilson College. Her book, Given will be published in 2023 and won the Autumn House Press Rising Writer Award. She has had poems published in The National Poetry Review, AGNI, About Place and more. She has poems forthcoming in Poet Lore, Poem-A-Day and Broadsided Press.

Connie Wasem Scott
published a chapbook titled Predictable as Fire in 2021. Her full-length poetry collection, The Open Hand of Sky, will be published in August of 2022. She has recently published poems in American Poetry Journal, Pontoon Poetry, Streetlight and Wildroof Journal.

Brenda Edgar
recently published a poem in Rust + Moth. She also has poems forthcoming in The Blue Mountain Review, The Main Street Rag and Crosswinds.

Michael Lauchlan
has recently published poems in Cumberland River Review, Innisfree Poetry Journal and The Briar Cliff Review.

Natalie Shapero
published her third poetry collection in 2021, titled Popular Longing.

Katie Delaney
was an artist in the 2021 ICA Flat File Program.

Cleo Jones
recently published her art in Beaver Magazine.

Congratulations on all your brilliant achievements! We cannot wait to see what you do next. 

Sarah Brockhaus