In the Current with Siobhan Jean-Charles Issue 17
Dear Reader,
Issue 17 is filled with striking and evocative poems. A choke-pear sits in a mouth, a cemetery is flooded with crickets and a glacier gnashes against a skyline. These poems juxtapose pastoral imagery with surreal language, reflecting shared anxieties about isolation and the changing climate.
Jennie E Owen published a poem in Poetry Breakfast and the anthology: Mischief of One Kind and Another from Nine Pens Press.
Pamilerin Jacob recently published poems in Poetry Magazine, Frontier Poetry, Chestnut Review, the African Urban Voices Anthology and other literary magazines and journals.
Milica Mijatović was recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize, and published poems in Tupelo Quarterly Review, Third Wednesday Magazine, Plume Poetry and others.
Frank Graziano had poems published in LIT.
Nike Onwu published a poem in The Shallow Tales Review.
Samantha DeFlitch published poems in New England Review, Four Way Review, EcoTheo Review and others.
Divyasri Krishnan was nominated for the 2024 Best New Poets Anthology. Additionally, she published a poem in DIAGRAM, Yale Review and Frontier Poetry, among others.
Michael Quattrone recently had work appear in Bennington Review, Salamander, Cider Press Review, New York Quarterly and Harpur Palate.
Kelly R Samuels was a finalist for the Maine Review’s 2024 Environs Prize. She published poems in Maine Review, The Dodge and Sequestrum and others.
Farai Chaka published poems in Isele Magazine, Dawn Review, Ghost City Press and Subnivean.
Melissa Strilecki recently published poems in The Shore Poetry, The Hyacinth Review and Thimble Lit Magazine.
KG Newman has had work appear in journals including Mojo and Timber Journal. His new book, Time Billionaire is available from Bainbridge Island Press.
Susannah Lawrence is now the managing editor of Used Furniture Review.
Melanie McCabe published work in The Washington Post, Valparaiso Review and Bracken Magazine.
Ellen Zhang published a poem in Cider Press Review, Chestnut Review, Lammergeier and Slant: A Journal of Poetry.
Crystal Cox published poems in phoebe, Tiny Spoon and Like a Field.
Ruoyu Wang was recognized by the 2023 Adroit Prizes for Poetry and Prose. They published poems in Rattle, Eunoia Review and Counterclock.
Ben Groner III published poems in Whale Road Review, Dust Poetry and Peatsmoke Journal. His new book Dust Storms May Exist was released from Madville Press.
Ryleigh Wann was nominated for the Best of the Net and published poems in The Rejoinder and porkbelly press’ Final Girl anthology.
Savannah Cooper published a poem in One Art, Hedge Apple Magazine and Paraselene Literary Magazine.
Prosper C Ìféányí was a finalist for the 2024 Greg Grummer Poetry Prize and a finalist for the 2023 Gerald Kraak Anthology Prize. His published work in The Offing, ANMLY, phoebe literary journal and others.
Jill Khoury had a poem featured in the Academy of American Poets’ Poem-A-Day, Verse Daily, The Inflectionist Review and others.
Lily Greenberg was a 2025 Pushcart Prize winner for her poem, “The Beginning According to Mrs. God,” published in New England Review. She also won the Iron Horse Literary Review 2023 National Poetry Month Contest. Her work was recently published in Sun Dog Lit and EcoTheo Review. Grats!
Luke Johnson published a poetry collection in 2023 titled “Quiver” (Texas A&M University Press) which was a finalist for the California Book Awards. He was interviewed by The Adroit Journal and was featured in Poetry Daily, and Shō Poetry Journal.
Jane Newkirk published a poem in Empty House Press.
Jessica Goodfellow was a finalist for the 2024 Sundress Publications Chapbook Contest. She published poems in Anti-Heroin Chic, South Florida Poetry Journal, Plume, Body and more.
Nicholas Ritter received the Thesis Fellowship from George Mason University and published a poem in Washington Writers’ Publishing House.
Jen Karetnick published poems in Sweet Lit and Jet Fuel Review.
Christopher Blackman had work appear in North American Review, Sixth Finch, Baltimore Review and others.
Laura Grece Weldon has recently had poems appear in The Milk House.
Lindsay Clark published poems in Ghost City Press and Neologism Poetry Journal.
Alex Gurtis has poems published or forthcoming in Bear Review, West Trade Review, Door is a Jar and others.
Jill Kitchen published poems in Split Lip Magazine, trampset, The Dodge Magazine and others.
Taylor J Johnson published a blog post with the University of Arizona Poetry Center.
Letitia Jiju published a poem in West Trestle Review.
Meg Kelleher published a poem in Willow Springs Magazine.
William G Gillespie published a poem in BOMB Magazine.
Kai Pretto was featured in Holyoke Media.
Karen Elizabeth Sharpe published poems in The MacGuffin, Permafrost Magazine and the museum of americana.
John Barr published a poetry collection in 2023 titled The Boxer of Quirinal (Red Hen Press). He was longlisted for the 2024 PEN/Voelcker Award.
Arvinder Kaur Johri published a poem in The Inflectionist Review.
Alston Tyer graduated from the MFA program at the University of North Carolina Wilmington and published a poem in Frozen Sea.
Vincent Frontero published poetry and translations in Georgia Review, The Meadow, and Good River Review.
Ruby Miller & Kimberly Turner presented a collaborative installation titled “Wave/Length” at Besse Gallery in Escanaba, Michigan.
Congratulations on your achievements! We cannot wait to see what you do next.
Siobhan Jean-Charles