Robert Beveridge

It Never Looks Quite Like It Does in the Movies

The walruses have gathered
enough resources to upgrade
the ice floe. The trick is
to get it all sorted before
the camel’s hair brushes freeze
in the Antarctic cold. Doesn’t
help that the council are at odds,
still, about which way
the expansion should go.
The wilds are in need of cable
and internet, sure,
but the hermits on the mountains
have clamored for a Taco Bell
long enough to merit
consideration, and the local
swingers’ club needs a new
sound system. What do you
do with it all? Another
convocation is scheduled
for tomorrow, and the gavel,
this time, may be booby trapped.


Robert Beveridge (he/him) makes noise ( and writes poetry in Akron, OH. Recent/upcoming appearances in The Post Grad Journal, Sein und Werden and Moss Piglet, among others.