Nasser Alsinan

A Smooth Stone Is an Attempt

Death is the most sane
            constant. The sly man
            walks below the door,
                        not through it.
                        When a smooth
                                    stone grew in
                        my room, I asked it
                        to be more jagged
            because a smooth stone
cannot break a mirror. Because inside
            a mirror maze, every face
            warps into another face
                        and death does not
                                    discern grace
                        from grotesque. So I
            chewed the smooth
stone in my mouth because
I am not
                        a sly man, I have
never seen a door,
            I do not know
what to expect from sanity, and
            I do not know
if the smooth stone will
ever grow again.


Nasser Alsinan is from Qatif, Saudi Arabia. His work has been previously published in Barzakh and Bear Review. More of his writings can be found on his Twitter page @nasser_alsinan