Letitia Jiju


for Goofy

The first slate grey sky of December I imagined
a mole crab swept ashore. Carapace pressed 

against wet sand, her legs only know to tread
backwards even when facing seaward.


All that pinpricks our world tonight have
knuckled the empty that holds them:

gravity, as Einstein understood;
hard to effect love without consequence.


Harder to affect joy after
what colors, tipped suns you shored against my hand,

what I put away like a shell.


Letitia Jiju is an Indian poet who through her work explores the intermingling of mother tongue, religion & generational trauma. Her poems have appeared/are forthcoming in trampset, ANMLY, The Lumiere Review, Moist Poetry Journal and elsewhere. She reads poetry for Psaltery & Lyre. Find her on Instagram/Twitter @eaturlettuce.