KG Newman

The Last Days of Anger

I built a prison out of stacked pennies
and then built a wall around the prison
just to graffiti it and then 

I tightened the tourniquet,
filled the tank, became the bird
lifting off the highway
seconds ahead of the semi tires 

because it becomes blissfully simple
at the end, the water tower
emptied, the sky folded up and
forgotten in my wing pocket.


KG Newman is a sportswriter who covers the Broncos and Rockies for The Denver Post. His first four collections of poems are available on Amazon and he has been published in scores of literary journals worldwide. The Arizona State University alum is on Twitter @KyleNewmanDP and more info and writing can be found at He is the poetry editor of Hidden Peak Press and he lives in Hidden Village, Colorado, with his wife and three kids.