Jaiden Geolingo
Contrapuntal for My Dead Loves
The South is made of throats that want more
coffins, love. teeth-marks litter the suburbs
& I want to return to a womb without shame. In this city that is
all holy, I hurricane my cesspool of bones: waters beg
into splinters & father is knee-first. The ghosts
that wished me dead ask me for my jaundice songs.
& I sing nothing. in this dream
I am molding myself into fibonacci spirals & floods are gifts
now, my larynx dampened with martyr blood. Enter
through floodwater bodies. & I, a dead love, will turn into wolves.
I autopsy your teeth & I find prayers made of alcohol
I want to confess my mouth outward without a charred wing.
Jaiden Geolingo is a Pinoy writer based in Georgia, United States. He has been publicly recognized by The National YoungArts Foundation, The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, Young Poets Network, among others. Additionally, his work can be found published or forthcoming in Dishsoap Quarterly, The Poetry Society, eunoia and other journals. Someday, he will be good at math.