Jack B Bedell


after Francesca Woodman’s Zigzag series

The neckline of dresses, bend
       of elbow, random play of sunlight
on shower curtain, right angle of
       running knee—always the tangent
of line leading to the next image, to
       another joining of tree trunk
to window ledge, to thigh
       against thigh, against
horizon and shadow, then
       and now, and even to truth
that somehow turns
       toward her lens over
and again. The angel of congruence.


Jack B Bedell is Professor of English and Coordinator of Creative Writing at Southeastern Louisiana University where he also edits Louisiana Literature and directs the Louisiana Literature Press. Jack’s work has appeared in HAD, Heavy Feather, Pidgeonholes, The Shore, Moist, Psaltery & Lyre, EcoTheo and other journals. His work has been selected for inclusion in Best Microfiction and Best Spiritual Literature. His latest collection is Against the Woods’ Dark Trunks (Mercer University Press, 2022). He served as Louisiana Poet Laureate 2017-2019.