The Shore Issue 14 — Summer 2022
Roger McChargue quirk
Flourish Joshua
Aron Wander
Often, we forget
James Kelly Quigley
Rain (Redux)
Light, as I Have Perceived It
Catalog of Unearned Gratitudes
Aubade at the End of the World
Roger McChargue dry bones
Meghan Sterling
Sea That Has Become Known
Alyx Chandler
Tight Grip (or Trichotillomania)
Never Went to Space Camp
Derek N Otsuji
Hunting for Octopus at Night
Robert Fanning
ísrák // glacial striae
Siobhan Jean-Charles
Fingers without Hands
Roger McChargue tessellated
Ariel Machell
How to tend to
V Batyko
For You, Without Me
Marcy Rae Henry
Prozac Makes Its Debut
Hannah Riffell
Anne Taylor
What Will You Do with Yours?
Lily Beaumont
Wile E. Coyote Brandishing a Gun
Thinking about Reactivating My Account while Folding Laundry
Roger McChargue Guadalupe
Jennifer Martelli
Clothes Pins
Lisa Trudeau
Dreaming the Dead Yellow Dog
Kimberly Kralowec
You’d Think It’s Fever but the Scale Is Wrong
Laura Vitcova
John MacNeill Miller
A Technique for Recording
Taxis and Instinct
Aaron Magloire
Abdulkareem Abdulkareem
Every Song Falls from Our Mouths like Glass
Molly Tenenbaum
What Have You Not Done Yet?
What to do with a box of folders,
Roger McChargue what the thunder said
Joseph Housley
Kayla Rutledge
Samuel Burt
Chris Kingsley
Pine Trees
James Owens
The Southernmost Reach of the Last Ice Age, Not Yet of the Next
Alexandre Ferrere
Le Simulacre
Roger McChargue the truth about the world
Urvashi Bahuguna
What I love about turning
Amanda Roth
A Ballad for Thirteen Years
Jory Mickelson
Warhol dreams of the seven of cups
Miceala Morano
The Kuleshov Effect
Seth Leeper
fruit loop film loop
Michael Lauchlan
A Moment Awake
Summer Smith
when witchcraft was innocent
Roger McChargue fulgurite
Mary Lou Buschi
Jack B Bedell
Summer Fragment, 2
Adam Gianforcaro
Italian Water Garden
Robert Beveridge
It Never Looks Quite Like It Does in the Movies
Roger McChargue