Corinna Schulenburg
Not even the satellite eyes
of the GPS can say exactly where
she might be inside all this wrong.
Maybe she slipped through the weak force
that binds her half-life to certain stabilities,
hidden amid those intrepid worker bees,
her atoms. Maybe she's into their songs,
like the one that goes, "let's stay together,"
or maybe she's quantum slumming,
some kind of sum over all those paths
except the one called "be." Or could be
it's the other way, deep space, wide frame,
and she's the one eying satellites,
dissipated cutie in her Kuiper belt.
What we do know for sure is
she isn't any kind of there, or here,
and all we have to go on is
this voice that longs for a throat.
Come out, come out, whoever
you are. This is the only world
and its only welcome is velocity.
This is the only world and your ticket
is the body. This is the only way
to breathe, breathe until you mean it.
Corinna Schulenburg (she/her) is a queer trans artist/activist, a mother, playwright, poet and creative partner of Flux Theatre Ensemble. Poems in 86 Logic, Arachne Press, Canned, Capsule Stories, Eclectica Magazine, Lost Pilots, Long Con, LUPERCALIA, miniskirt magazine, Moss Puppy, The Westchester Review and Zoetic Press.