Charles Hensler

A Certain Time and Place

You remember it all
as a painting—rocks arranged
in a dusty field, heavy carts drawn,
suffering in the cold or suffering, warmth
in small places, someone’s gold
locked in a box or rosemary
in a generous bread, a plastic cup
tumbling in a carnival wind

and all along the star fires
burning—fierce, far above the cars driven
and the planes flown, the moon
traveled, the double twist of genes
a flag unfurled

and once a child’s hand
like a sparrow in your own.

How effortlessly
the street corner arrives: a square of winter
dusk, a signal, a light that can only fall—
the strangers waiting to cross.


Charles Hensler lives and writes in the Pacific Northwest. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Emerge Literary Journal, Rust & Moth, The Shore, Parentheses, River Heron Review, One Art, Stone Circle Review and others.