Catherine Redford


She holds the body, suddenly small
—beak, eye, wing—
in the cradle of her fingers.

                           ammonite unfurls like fern
                                  a return to air
                      untethered resurrection
                                                   heading for open water

She pours plaster into the cavity
carved by the impact,
expertly extracts the cast.
She catalogues, composes
curatorial notes with ease:
date, time, interpretation.
Footsteps sound in the corridors of white space
between the exhibits.

  muscle fades into loam
                      a practised decomposition
feathers counted one by one
against the folds of damp earth
cove of ribcage fills with tidal soil
bones splay like petals
   pushing against the dew


Catherine Redford lives in the West Midlands. She started writing poetry after being widowed at the age of 35. She has poems published in a number of journals and anthologies, including Under the Radar, The Storms, New Welsh Reader, Propel, Lighthouse, Ink Sweat & Tears, Black Bough and Atrium. She is an editor at Dust Poetry Magazine and is a Writing West Midlands Room 204 writer. She has been longlisted for the Nine Arches Press Primers competition (2023) and longlisted for the Dai Fry Award (2022). Twitter: @C_Redford_ Instagram: catherine__redford