Catherine Pierce
Dear Place, I Ask So Much
Canyon me. Ravine me. Redwood me,
roots deep to the wet center. Limb me
cloudward. Fan me out alluvial
and unabashed. My soft heart sediment.
My hard heart anthracite. Lagoon me.
Lava me. Lake me sprawling and still.
Dear beasts in the tar pits, these millennia!
Dear glass-cased specimens, how little we knew!
I dream a tattoo, a cerulean speck
on my forearm: our planet from four billion
miles away. Trench me deep, O
earth-and-more. Volcano me to sky
or under sea. High desert me.
Dell and dune me. Hurricane me
homeward. Whitecap me out
of my small fretting, magnolia me
away from what mires. Oh home-of-lynx,
home-of-grackle, home-of-frog-and-fox.
What incantation can I weave for you?
What spell can I spin to glacier you
again blue and unending?
Catherine Pierce is the author of three books of poems, most recently The Tornado Is the World (Saturnalia 2016); her new book, Danger Days, is forthcoming in October 2020. Her work has appeared in The Best American Poetry, the New York Times, American Poetry Review, the Academy of American Poets' Poem-a-Day series and elsewhere, and has won a Pushcart Prize. A 2019 NEA Fellow, she co-directs the creative writing program at Mississippi State University.