Bryan D. Price


first there was the god
of last stands
doubling as the spirit
of the waxing year
the patron saint of revolutions
(both just and unjust)
took the knife that originally severed
heaven from earth
covered it in lambskin like
a hand covering a fist and
buried it between
sheets of plain white paper
between onionskin
after the suicide of
a former lover there came
a screed of little acts
mostly profane and necessarily
somber some with
morphine and once
with cyanide
left a note that read—
in the ruins of the internet
there are tapes of me
we can listen to them together
I’m in the honeycomb
in the hive with you


Bryan D. Price’s poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Posit, Diagram, Hinchas de Poesia and Inverted Syntax. He lives and teaches in Southern California where he is working on a manuscript of elegies.