Bobby Parrott
In the Drift of an Eye
Before seeing
my ophthalmologist,
I alter myself
a pair of sunglasses
to block my right eye
so only one of everything
slides by as I pedal my bike,
navigate hallways. Doctor
Ortiz smiles big
at my self-treatment,
proceeds with his guesses—
Diabetes? Epilepsy?
Multiple Sclerosis? Each
a rebellion, a sticky schism
arisen between self
and body. So then, what is
a body? A double vision
between one eye’s tight-rope,
the other’s trapeze?
Oh agreement, we must
resolve! Only one eye
drifts, and the pharmacy
of your face collapses
in collage, overlap
and montage, a horror-show
carnival’s Picasso pinball machine
on TILT. So I play along, try
to relax. Begin to see—
How sidewalks penetrate
bike lanes, centerlines disrupt
the punctuation of trees, pinprick
this pulsing vessel. Street-slick
heartbeat in its lethal flow
of cars. Shock-trauma
transfusion in surgical steel—
my shortcut home.
Bobby Parrott's poems appear in Tilted House, RHINO, Rumble Fish Quarterly, Atticus Review, The Hopper, Rabid Oak, Exacting Clam, Neologism and elsewhere. Wearing a forest-spun jacket of toy dirigibles, this writer dreams himself out of formlessness in the chartreuse meditation capsule known as Fort Collins, Colorado.