Andres Rojas
On a Line by Amiri Baraka
Your shadow wreaths the table. Windows
testify to a dark morning’s eulogy.
I make myself thankful
we are not in chains or behind wire.
Things have come to that.
I make myself thankful
for your face haloed in my hands.
You ask me to drive you to school
again the last time.
I don’t know that yet.
Andres Rojas is the author of the chapbook Looking For What Isn’t There (Paper Nautilus Debut Series winner, 2019) and of the audio chapbook The Season of the Dead (EAT Poems, 2016). His poetry has been featured in the Best New Poets series and has most recently appeared or is forthcoming in, among others, AGNI, Barrow Street, Colorado Review, Massachusetts Review, New England Review and Poetry Northwest.